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Create order (fixed)



After requesting a quote, use the quoteId to create a fixed rate order with the quote.

For fixed rate orders, a deposit of exactly the amount of depositAmount must be made before the expiresAt timestamp, otherwise the deposit will be refunded.

For coins that require memo, the API response will contain an additional memo field under depositAddress. The transaction must contain this memo, otherwise the deposit might be lost or rejected by the network.

For orders settling in coins that requires memo, API users are allowed to specify a memo field, for example "memo": "123343245".

x-sideshift-secret header is required. It can be obtained from the account page under the account secret.

affiliateId should be defined to get a commission after the shift is complete. It can be obtained here. Commissions are paid in native XAI token, read more about XAI here.

refundAddress is optional, if not defined, user will be prompted to enter a refund address manually on the order page if the order needs to be refunded

orderId field is deprecated, use id instead.

To create an order for XAI balance as settle method, the request should include the sessionSecret, settleMethod should be saibal and the settleAddress should be the affiliateId.

x-user-ip: If the API requests are sent from the integrations own server, the x-user-ip header must be set to the endusers IP address. Otherwise the requests will be blocked.
